Mobility (or the lack thereof)
Our Newsroom elves suggested a change to our web site that we think has some merit. They said to add a header about our community's dismal mobility situation. It's tough getting around if you don't have a car.

From time to time we've mentioned the problem, but we haven't highlighted it. Perhaps by putting a stronger focus on Arden Arcade as a place that is neither pedestrian-friendly, nor bicycle-friendly, nor transit-friendly, we can inspire our enlightened elected officials and appointees who control the municipal spending dollars here to start making some serious improvements in the mobility choices available to us. That doesn't mean we are giving up on advocating for better motor vehicle mobility. Heaven knows, our streets are full of potholes, we lack directional signs, the CHP struggles to do more than just give lip-service to local traffic safety, our stoplights are conducive to speeding, etc. So we need to be looking at all kinds of mobility.
We've created this one-stop shopping site for our rants and raves (hey, it's good to be hopeful...) about all forms of mobility in Arden Arcade. Fingers crossed that we will see some progress.