Metro Fire
Arden Arcade gets its fire services from the Sacramento Metropolitan Fire District, California’s seventh largest fire agency. The District provides fire and rescue and emergency medical services across 417 square miles within Sacramento County. The District evolved through a series of mergers by small fire districts such that it now serves almost ¾ of a million people Sacramento County (the Cities of Sacramento and Folsom, the Cosines River Cosumnes Community Services District -- the fire department for Elk Grove, Galt and nearby unincorporated areas -- and some smaller fire districts serve the rest of the County).
The Metro Fire Board consists of 9 members elected by district. Each Board Member represents about 81,000 people.
Two of Metro Fire’s districts cover Arden Arcade. District 6 includes the area west of Watt Avenue, a section between Watt Avenue and Eastern Avenue south of El Camino Avenue, and territory north of Whitney between Watt and Eastern and north of Edison Avenue to College Oaks and Madison in Old Foothill Farms. District 7 lies east of District 6. It includes portions of Arden Arcade east of Watt Avenue and south of Fair Oaks Blvd.; the area bounded by Watt, Whitney, Eastern and El Camino Avenues, and territory between Eastern and Walnut Avenues from Fair Oaks Blvd. to Cypress Avenue. There are 6 fire stations in District 6 and 5 stations in District 7. Of those 11 stations, 6 are in Arden Arcade.