2022 elections: Primary Results and Candidates for November
The June 2022 Primary election results:
Federal level: The election to serve Arden Arcade in Congress has moved to a run-off between Ami Bera and Tamika Hamilton.
State level: The races to represent our community in the Leegislature were reduced to run-offs between Kevin McCarty and Cathy Cook (Assembly) and Paula Villescaz and Roger Niello (State Senate). Our region's Board of Equalization contest will be between Ted Gaines and Jose Altamirano.
County level: The election resulted in selection of Thien Ho as the new District Attorney and Jim Cooper as the new Sheriff. Christina Wynn was re-elected as Assessor. Supervisors Serna and Kennedy were re-elected. The Supervisorial seat held by retiring South County Supervisor Don Nottoli was whittled down to a contested between Patrick Hume and Jacklyn Moreno. Although the extension of the Abandoned Vehicle Service Fee won overwhelming support (58%) from the voters, the ballot measure did not succeed because it failed to achieve the 2/3 threshold.
Candidates for November:
In addition to the run-offs mentioned above, California's Senatorial election and elections for several State constitutional offices will be be contested between the top two candidates seeking those offices in the statewide Primary Election.
For local offices serving our community, several elections have already been decided based on whether sufficient candidates filed for the seats available. The contested races will be:
- Los Rios Community College District Trustee 2 - Bob Jones vs Martin Ross
- San Juan Unified School District Trustee 3 - Zima Creason vs Alex Zemansky
- SMUD Ward 3 - Gregg Fishman vs Pamela Stathos
- Sac Suburban Water District Divison 2 (short term) - Jay Boatwright vs Michael Modula
The General Election will be held during October 10th (ballots mailed out) and November 8th (Election Day). Voter registration is easy. If you are a registered voter, you can check your status online. If you are a new voter or will turn 18 by Election Day, you can register online.