Your help is kindly requested
Everything we do here at the Advocates for Arden Arcade is done by volunteers who care very much about our community. Our expenses are minimal. No one gets paid. But we do have costs for the web site, email address, the bank account, and some occasional government paperwork. We know from our web metrics that there are plenty of like-minded spirits out there and we can tell from reactions to our posts, from your emails, and from our occasional meetings that our work is of service to the community. It would be nice to get some donations to help us with our expenses, which is why we have the donation button on our Home Page (scroll down to see it). Any amount you care to give would be appreciated and any amount would help -- even if it is just the equivalent of a cup of coffee at Starbucks or a cheap bottle of wine from Trader Joe's. Remember, since we are a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, your donations are tax-deductible. Plus we have a few of our cool T-shirts left (see photo) that we would be happy to include with your tax-deductible donation receipt until supplies run out.