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The times, they are a-changin'....

Back in November 2010, voters in Arden Arcade were asked whether our community should be a city. The result was a strong "no". These days proponents of local incorporation are often told to, "forget it, because the voters had their say 7 years ago and that's that". In reality, though, the local electorate today is not the same as it was back in the day. There are a whole lot of apartments and renter-occupied houses there are in Arden Arcade. The recession resulted in lot of real estate turnover -- think foreclosures, house flipping, low-ball prices here vs. elsewhere in the region, several years of a sellers' market. To factors like that add normal births, deaths and aging. It is not a static situation. Today the Bee published comparative maps of changes in political party registrations, which display considerable differences from 2006 to 2016. The Bee's article was just another reminder that Arden Arcade is evolving. The next time someone tells you they know for sure how local elections will play out, take it with a grain of salt.  

May contain: plot
Voter registration in 2016 {Source: Phillip Reese, "See the political makeup of every Sacramento neighborhood", Sacramento Bee, July 17, 2017}
May contain: map, diagram, plot, and atlas
Voter registration in 2006 {Source: Phillip Reese, "See the political makeup of every Sacramento neighborhood", Sacramento Bee, July 17, 2017}
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